At Thurcroft Infant school we believe that all pupils should be able to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions through their writing. We would like children to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and be able to spell new words by successfully applying taught spelling patterns and rules. We aim for all children to confidently write clearly, accurately and coherently for a range of styles, purposes and audiences. We work hard to ensure children take pride in the presentation of their work, developing independence, leading to them identifying their own mistakes and editing to improve their work further. We understand the important role parents play in supporting their children to develop in terms of spelling and reading and so we encourage an active home-school partnership in which parents and carers are aware of the best ways of supporting their child at home.
Our approach to writing has two elements; composition and transcription. Additionally, pupils are taught how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing.
Transcription is essential for children to become fluent writers, this means that children must be able to:
Use phonic knowledge
Spell age expected words correctly
Use age related punctuation
Use correct letter formation, following the Martin Harvey handwriting scheme
Teachers will ensure the children acquire transcription skills by using the progression document and revisiting prior learning to identify any gaps in knowledge.
Children writing in the Foundation Stage
Effective composition involves forming, articulating and communicating ideas. It requires an awareness of audience purpose and context and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
Teachers plan to teach the required skills through the purpose/genre of writing. Teachers sometimes focus on particular elements of grammar in stand alone lessons, if they feel that the class/or a specific group need additional lessons to embed and develop their understanding or to consolidate skills.
Teachers present a stimulus to inspire children, allowing them to articulate and communicate ideas around something familiar or that they have experienced. Lessons are planned which will introduce new vocabulary and give opportunities for children to communicate their ideas freely. Composition is an integral part of all writing lessons.
Spellings are taught according to the rules and words contained in Appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum. Spelling is taught through our SSP ‘My Letters and Sounds’ across the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Children are given spellings to learn each week in their home/school diary, these may be tricky/common exception words, words containing taught graphemes or spelling rules in Key Stage 1. Accurate spelling of taught graphemes and tricky words are expected in writing across the curriculum. Children are given time to edit their spellings (see marking scheme). Assessments are completed at the end of every ‘My Letters and Sounds’ phase. Agreed sound/word mats are used across school and available during all written activities. These mats follow the sounds/words taught in the ‘My Letters and Sounds’ phonic scheme.
Punctuation is taught within writing lessons in line with the progression document to enable children to become secure age related writers.
Handwriting lessons
In the Foundation Stage, handwriting is taught following the ‘My Letters and Sounds’ scheme by the use of mnemonics support. As part of “Year 1 readiness” FS2 pupils begin to be taught using the Martin Harvey handwriting scheme.
Martin Harvey handwriting lessons are taught three times per week for 15 minutes. Letters are taught in handwriting families and children are expected to join at least 2 letters using the scheme in Year 2.
An example of
in Year 1.
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