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Welcome to Thurcroft Infant School

Hello, my name is Tracy Harper and I have been the proud Head Teacher of Thurcroft Infant School since January 2009. We know that the most important part of our outstanding school are the pupils. We hope that should you visit us; you feel this too. 

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for visiting our website. Although we’ve tried to provide lots of information here, it only really offers an introduction to what our school is all about, the experiences that we offer and the things that make our school unique. I would love you to visit our school so that you learn more about us.

At Thurcroft Infant School, we believe that every child deserves the best education and we have high expectations for every child who attends our school. Our staff are committed to ensuring that every child reaches their full potential, and we endeavour to give our children the education that they need to be happy and successful in their future lives.

The school offers an excellent learning environment for children aged 3 to 7 years old. Although our school site is quite small compared to most, we really do strive to ensure that our provision is the best possible for our children.

We recognise the importance of, and drive towards academic success for all our children, regardless of their starting points or individual needs – doing this ensures that children are best placed to experience success as they move through their learning journey and beyond, into happy and productive working lives. We strive to make our learning engaging and endeavour to provide as many ‘real-life’ learning experiences as possible because we believe that learning should be exciting, interesting, purposeful and memorable. Our school curriculum enables the development of the ‘whole child’.

We are pleased to have our ‘Children & Family Centre’ on site as this enables us to build a positive relationship right from the time that the new baby is developing up to the age of 7 years. Transition into Foundation 1 and 2 is smooth and successful because we work very closely with ‘Happy Kids Preschool’, which is on our school site and ‘Foundations @ Thurcroft’, which are our two biggest feeder provisions.


We work equally closely with Thurcroft Junior Academy so that the children are confident and keen to transfer to Year 3 and are already familiar with their surroundings. The Junior Academy staff visit and work closely with us so that they really know about our children in Year 2. We firmly believe that our aim to undertake collaborative working enables us to provide the best possible learning experiences for all children.


We welcome and value the help of parents/carers and grandparents, so please speak to your child’s class teacher if you would like to offer your help in school.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you wish to come and visit our school. We really do look forward to working with you.

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Tracy Harper


Head Teacher

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